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How Manufacturers Can Use Video in Their Digital Marketing Strategy

When you think of social media, you don’t always connect it to manufacturing or industry in general. When we think of social media, we usually think of a social media profile filled with beautiful photos, funny cat videos or memes, but, social media is so much more than that. It is a huge opportunity just waiting for you to grasp

Video can be a very effective medium for B2B as well traditional B2C company.

Over the past two years the idea of travelling to a supplier and seeing what the supplier has to offer has been remote, nigh on impossible, but with video you, as a manufacturer can bring your company to the smartphone, the tablet and the personal computer of your customers and potential customers.

"No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story" - Gary Vaynerchuk

Your customers and B2B buyers are already watching videos

Video is everywhere, and that is just as true for manufacturers. If you’re not using video in your marketing strategy, you run the risk of falling behind in your market.

If you look around at what the industry is doing, you will see that many businesses are producing video content, and if those businesses aren’t, they are seen to be out step with current trends and therefore the needs of their audience.

Here are some interesting stats about video:

  • 500 million hours of video watched everyday on YouTube

  • 95% of a message is retained if watched in video as opposed to just 10% in text

  • 68% of people prefer to learn about a specific product or service through video

  • 65% of executives visit the companies website after viewing a video

  • 39% of executives call a vendor after viewing a video

  • 4 times as many people would rather watch a video about a product or service than read about it

As the consumption of video on mobile devices continues to grow, the provision of informative, useful videos not only benefits the consumer, but it also expresses your commitment to providing up to the minute, cutting-edge technology.

Videos are relatively easy to produce

There are 290 million smartphone users in the United States, and this number shows no sign of shrinking. So in your pocket you have a useful tool for producing and editing a short high definition, high quality video in a short space of time.

You can produce a high quality video with minimum investment in technology or equipment, therefore making videos relatively easy to produce.

As your skill improves, then you can invest in better equipment or even hire a professional, but in the short-term, use what you have.

It may also be worthwhile checking with your employees, as there may already be a videographer amongst your ranks who could form part of your marketing team. Always think about up-skilling and re-skilling.

"Video informs and entertains people and, good or bad, today most people prefer to watch a video rather than read a page of text" - Lisa Lubin

Videos are easy to share

According to a recent survey, video is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media, than any other content for. Pure and simply, people process visuals faster than text - we spend more time on pictures and video than on text. It’s true what they say “a picture does paint a thousand words”.

Video allows the viewer to see some of your character and your brand. Video can more easily show your humour, your ideology and your heart. Through the medium of video, your audience is able to get to know who you are, what your brand is, who the people are behind the brand and what the brand stands for, all wrapped up in an easily shareable format.

The act of sharing shows you are a trustworthy and knowledgeable brand with an upright and dependable company behind the brand.

Videos are proven effective at increasing sales

As stated above, videos show your brand identity and character better than other forms of content, as well as showing your personality, and the old adage rings true in the digital age as it did in previous ages, “people buy from people they like”. If you are liked, then you will gain sales, and if you can convey that likability in the video, you will be able to grow your sales and ultimately your revenue accordingly.

Remember that the contrary is also true. If you come across as unfaithful or dishonourable in any way, you will never grow your sales, irrespective of how much time and money you invest in your marketing.

The medium of video is designed to showcase you, your brand, your company and your reasons for doing business, and the great thing about video is that it can tailored very easily, and cheaply, for specific demographics, platform and product.

Your competitors are already doing it

If you are thinking about it and you are reading this, then you should note that you are not alone. If you are thinking about doing it, then so are your competitors, if they are not already doing so.

As more and more B2B manufacturers see the benefits of offering video content, they are setting themselves up as modern, enlightened brands looking to satisfy consumer preferences and adapt to technological trends.

Video is here to stay and as demographics change and the Generation X-ers and Ys retire out of the market, to be replaced by millennials and the Generation Z-ers who are the digital generation. They have been brought up on fast-paced moving images on a digital plane. Change now, while you are able to change and embrace the video for the new generation of buyers and consumers.

Are you ready to get started with video marketing? Accent on Training can help: through our video advertising services, we help businesses create intelligent, persuasive, professional and engaging videos to promote their new products and services. We also can help highlight specific product lines, and spread the word about your unique capabilities - for less than you would expect.

Let’s take a look at some of the popular ways to use video in your marketing strategy. Not every video type is appropriate for you, and you will usually find that two or three types would be best for you.

The factory tour video

Covid 19 put a stop to factory visits around the world, so industry marketers had to find a new and innovative way to showcase their capabilities - the digital showroom was born.

The factory tour video allows buyers and customers to see the who, the where and the how of your brand. The who is the people behind the brand - the designer, the machinist, the engineer, the auditor etc. The people who make the brand. The where is the location and the setting of the factory. It shows how the brand is assembled and how it may fit with other components. The how of the factory tour highlights the different stages of the production process, from initial idea to design, production and finally to despatch. Wrapped within the factory tour is your brand character and your company’s mission. It is important to show your factory’s identity in the factory tour.

"We're operating in a world where one good can lead to a massive social following" - Mike Henry

The production spotlight video

This type of video can be used in one of two ways - highlight a new product or showcase a new area of the production process.

First, you have a new addition to your product portfolio, here in the spotlight you will showcase what the product is, how it is produced and how the product can be used to better the end-user’s life.

Second, you have introduced a new piece of equipment or part of the production process and want to showcase it to new and existing B2B buyers or customers. Focussing on the production process in a short video is a good way to get your ideas across.

The project spotlight video

This type of video elevates your company and its ability to manage and complete specific projects. In days gone by, this would have been shown in a case study, but in the digital age, the project spotlight video is the perfect medium. Here you can some soundbites from end-users or suppliers, as well as members of the project team, further showing your human side.

The explainer video

This type of video showcases some aspect of your company to your audience, such as an introduction to the employees on the factory-floor. This is a talking head Q&A where your people are able to engage with the audience on your behalf. These can be used to show how your product solves the customersExplainer videos also simply explain how your product or service solves your buyers' problems. Just remember to keep it short!

The how-to video

These videos explain how to do something. The videos are basically a users guide on the uses of a specific product or task. The video supplements or sometimes replaces highly descriptive text. These videos can show a particular part of your manufacturing process or how to use the end product or how to troubleshoot the product.

The demo video

The demo video is a demonstration of a more complicated product or service operation or utilization. These videos are very similar to how-to videos as they illustrate to your audience how to do something with your product. It’s a great way to show how your product works and is a wonderful shareable tool.

The tutorial video

A tutorial video takes the how-to and the demo one step further and walks your viewer the process or usage in fine detail. At college you had a lecture and then you had the opportunity to go into the topic in more detail with your tutor, well that is what your tutorial will do. It will expand on the how-to or demo. Designed to be slightly longer and providing more detail, using varying media within the video, these are great instructional videos.


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Do you think you are ready now to dive in and produce your own video for your digital marketing strategy?

There is a real mystery surrounding video production, but as I have said earlier, it is not difficult and is relatively inexpensive. You can start today, by making your plan, deciding what type of video you want and how you are going to do it. Don’t forget to ask around the company, there must be some budding videographer who would be happy to ride to the new challenge.

Failing that, you can contact Accent on Training for some advice about video pre- and post- production, as well as how video can fit snuggly and firmly into your digital marketing strategy.

Another little statistic for you, 93% of marketers say they’ve landed a new customer because of a video on social media, according to Wyzowl.

If you’re thinking about it, your competition is probably thinking about it too, so why delay, now is the time to re-evaluate your digital marketing strategy and offer informative, relevant videos to your audience.

Who We Are

Accent on Training have been helping companies improve their social media presence and engagement through bespoke marketing strategies. We are a provider of bespoke solutions for social media marketing, branding, logo design and website design and optimization.

Accent on Training can help you build a strong digital foundation for your business. We'll assist you in strengthening your marketing with unique branding and bespoke digital solutions.

If you need any information or assistance in designing your website, contact us for more information.

Jonathan Moore is the founder of Accent on Training, a Social Media Management, Brand and Website design agency based in Seoul, South Korea. For nearly ten years, he has helped clients in developing their businesses online through branding, website design and bespoke social media marketing solutions.

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